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Copules archimédiennes et families de lois bidimensionnelles dont les marges sont données
Authors:Christian Genest  R. Jock Mackay
Abstract:Every bivariate distribution function with continuous marginals can be represented in terms of a unique copula, that is, in terms of a distribution function on the unit square with uniform marginals. This paper is concerned with a special class of copulas called Archimedean, which includes the uniform representation of many standard bivariate distributions. Conditions are given under which these copulas are stochastically ordered and pointwise limits of sequences of Archimedean copulas are examined. We also provide two new one-parameter families of bivariate distributions which include as limiting cases the Frechet bounds and the independence distribution.
Keywords:Archimedean copulas  bivariate distributions  fixed marginals  Fré  chet bounds  Kendall's tau  uniform representation
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