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Toddlers Help Anonymously
Authors:Robert Hepach  Katharina Haberl  Stéphane Lambert  Michael Tomasello
Affiliation:1. Department of Developmental and Comparative PsychologyMax Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology;2. Département d'études cognitivesCNRS, UMR8129, Institut Jean‐Nicod, Ecole normale supérieure – PSL Research University
Abstract:Young children are extremely motivated to help others, but it is not clear whether they do so in anonymous situations without social recognition. In two studies, we found that 18‐month‐old toddlers provided help equally in situations where an adult recipient was present and in situations where an adult recipient was not present. We included several control conditions to rule out that toddlers were simply unaware of their anonymity or were merely motivated to restore the physical order of things. Together, these findings suggest that early in ontogeny children are motivated to help others in need regardless of whether they can immediately be recognized for their prosocial intentions.
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