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关 键 词:银雀山汉简  孙子兵法  篇题木牍  

A Re-Examination of the Wooden Slips from No.1 Han Tomb at Yinqueshan
CHENG Hao.A Re-Examination of the Wooden Slips from No.1 Han Tomb at Yinqueshan[J].Journal of Shanghai University(Social Science Edition),2011,18(5):134-140.
Authors:CHENG Hao
Institution:CHENG Hao (School of Liberal Arts,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China)
Abstract:The wooden slips from No.1 Han Tomb at Yinqueshan have recorded the information about the titles of articles as the core part of Sun Zi's Art of War in the bamboo or wooden slips edition.By a re-examination of this information,the author finds that the difference between the titles of the articles as well as their orders and the 13 articles of the present Sun Zi's Art of War is not big.The Section Terrain II in the bamboo or wooden slips edition unearthed at Yinqueshan is usually considered as one of the mi...
Keywords:wooden slips of the Western Han Dynasty at Yinqueshan  Sun Zi's Art of War  wooden slips about the titles of articles  
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