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摘    要:核威慑通常被认为是确保国家之间恐怖和平的手段 ,但它或许不仅仅具有维持暂时和平的功能 ,还可能促进人类社会进步到一个更为完善的阶段。康德在他的国际关系思想中 ,认为毁灭性战争危险的存在 ,对于永久和平的实现和人类社会的改善 ,是一个重要的条件 ,因为这能够促使人们产生推动国际社会进步的共同责任感。但在他的时代 ,这个前提实际并不存在 ,而将核威慑“代入”康德的逻辑 ,我们可以认为 ,它对人类进入一个更为和平和理性的阶段具有重要意义。尽管这样的逻辑还有不完善之处 ,但是相关的研究却不是没有价值的 ,因为国际社会的进步观念不应该———事实上也很难———从国际关系理论中排除出去

关 键 词:核威慑  康德  进步

The Role of Nuclear Deterrence: A Kantian Perspective
Abstract:Nuclear deterrence is widely regarded as a way to assure peace among nations through a balance of terror. However, its function may be not only to keep temporary peace, but also to push human society toward a more perfect stage. In his international thought, Kant argues that the risk of war of mass destruction is an important condition for the realization of eternal peace and improvement of human society, because it can make people have a common sense of responsibility for the progress of international society. In Kant's age, this kind of risk did not exist. In introducing it into Kant's logic, we can find that nuclear deterrence can be significant in moving humanity into a more peaceful and rational stage. Although this kind of logic has its flaw, such a study is not valueless. The perspective of progress should not, and in fact could not, be excluded from international relations theory.
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