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摘    要:李贽在明嘉靖四十五年就被引入心学之门,而其思想的真正启蒙则是在"大衰欲死"苦读佛经之时。李贽何时苦读佛经?曾读那些佛典?佛典到底给予李贽那些影响,使他茅塞顿开、窥见生死学问之源光点,从而走向学佛一路,成就了狂禅李贽。这不仅是明代思想史上需认真探究的问题,也是明代文学史特别是明代文学编年史上需敲定的一个重要而具体的问题。经研究可知,李贽思想的真正启蒙是在姚安鸡足山"翻阅贝经"的明万历六至八年;所读佛经为《坛经》、《般若经》、《心经》、《楞伽经》、《法华经》和《金刚经》等,信奉"有为教"与"净土宗",最终悟透因缘法,形成真空观,不仅从学理上明白了"生死大学问"的根本,而且找到了求得解脱生死轮回之苦的方法与途径。同时,奠定了其后来"凡圣如一"的平等思想和"不以孔子是非为是非"的非权威思想的基础。

关 键 词:李贽、姚安  佛经  有为教  净土宗  思想启蒙

The Buddhist Classics and the Enlightenment of Li Zhi's Thoughts
XU Jian-ping.The Buddhist Classics and the Enlightenment of Li Zhi''''s Thoughts[J].Hebei Academic Journal,2007,27(4):130-136.
Authors:XU Jian-ping
Abstract:In the forty-fifth year of the reign of the emperor Jiajing in the Ming dynasty,Li Zhi was attracted into the door of "heart sutra",and the real enlightenment of his thoughts began with his reading Buddhist classics heart and soul.When did he read them? What Buddhist classics made him change into a Li Zhi full of Zen? It is a question worth researching further.After some studies,it is known that the real enlightenment of his thoughts was from the sixth to the eighth year of the reign of the emperor Wanli in the Ming dynasty when he was reading Altar Classic,Sutra of Prajna,Sutra of Heart, Lotus Sutra,Diamond Sutra and so on in Jizu Mountain,Yaoan.At last he penetrated "life and death" and had the idea of emptiness,which,in the meantime,laid foundation for his equal thoughts that common people are no different from sages.
Keywords:Li Zhi  Yaoan  Buddhist classics  promising religion  religion of pure earth  thoughts of enlightenment  
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