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作者姓名:苏欣  李福泉
摘    要:跨界俾路支族群是伴随欧洲的殖民扩张和势力范围的强行划分逐步出现的,并随着真正意义上具有独立主权的巴基斯坦、伊朗、阿富汗等民族国家的建立而正式固定化。对俾路支族群自身而言,作为各国内部的少数群体,都面临政治参与度低、经济贫瘠、文化落后等一系列族群发展的本质性问题。从民族国家层面来看,俾路支族群分离主义主导下俾路支人跨界联合,将促生一个潜在区域性国际关系行为体的形成,这对民族国家的政治版图构成极大的威胁与挑战。就地区安全形势而言,俾路支叛乱组织发动的恐怖主义活动日益猖狂,对中巴经济走廊的建设带来消极影响。从全球性问题的角度看,跨界俾路支人聚居区已成为毒品贩运和难民非法偷渡的天然门户,这不仅严重影响着国际社会的安全,也引发了严峻的国际人道主义危机。正确区分俾路支民众的合理诉求与叛乱分子的分离主义动机,高度重视俾路支部落首领的作用,切实构建一个容纳俾路支人的命运共同体,是跨界俾路支族群问题治理的最佳路径。

关 键 词:跨界族群  俾路支人  民族分离主义  恐怖主义活动  地区安全治理

The Baluchistan Issue: From the Perspective of Cross-border Ethnic Groups
Su Xin,Li Fuquan.The Baluchistan Issue: From the Perspective of Cross-border Ethnic Groups[J].International Forum,2020(1):142-155,160.
Authors:Su Xin  Li Fuquan
Abstract:The cross-border distribution of the Balochis began to emerge with European colonial expansion and the forced division into different European spheres of influence,and was formalized with the establishment of nation-states such as Pakistan,Iran and Afghanistan.From the perspective of the nation-states involved,the crossborder integration of the Balochis led by Balochi nationalists will promote the formation of a potential regional actor,which poses a great threat to the territorial integrity of Pakistan,Iran and Afghanistan.In terms of regional security,terrorist activities by Balochi rebel groups are becoming increasingly rampant,and have negative impact on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC).From a global perspective,cross-border Balochi communities,which have become a natural gateway for drug trafficking and illegal smuggling of refugees,not only seriously affect the security of the international community,but also cause severe international humanitarian crises.Ultimately,the best way to solve the problem is to construct a community of shared interests for the Balochis by recognizing the legitimate demands of the ordinary Balochis,which should not be confused with those of the separatists,and the role of the Balochi tribal leaders.
Keywords:cross-border ethnic groups  the Balochis  separatism  terrorist activities  regional security governance
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