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摘    要:What,S the TJm6p问日寸间请问.现在几点了7QYng wbn,xl“anza、‘l『『dl冱n le?May l ask,what is the time now?现在八点。Xianzai ba dl若n.it is eight 0’clock.商店几点开门7ShAngd&n jYdi~.n kal me…9At what time does the store open?商店八点半开门。Sh~ngd&n b豆di~,n ban k最j m6n.it opens at half past eight。谢谢!Xi岳xl垂!Thank you!不谢lBd xl台。You’re welcome!《l豳王红.几点了? w矗ng Hdng,『rdl葺n le? Wang Hong,what is the time?圜差一刻九点。Cha yfkb iitdi~_n。A quarterto n。ine.豳今天是星期几…

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