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Paedophiles, Pornography and the Internet: Assessment Issues
Authors:Quayle, Ethel   Taylor, Max
Abstract:Correspondence to Dr Ethel Quayle, COPINE Project, Department of Applied Psychology, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: e.quayle{at}ucc.ie Summary As yet, little is understood of the potential problems and benefitsassociated with Internet use, and the resulting social outcomesthat may arise. This article examines issues that emerged outof a subset of nine interviews with social workers and probationofficers, namely the feelings by such practitioners that theydid not understand the function of the Internet for adults witha sexual interest in children. The analysis of these data isnot examined in detail, rather an attempt is made to addressthe issues raised through a discussion of the role of childpornography, how it is accessed through the Internet and whatimplications this might have for assessment. The data are drawnfrom ongoing research by the COPINE (Combating Paedophile InformationNetworks in Europe) Project.
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