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The workflow system and its applications
Authors:We-Min Chow

Recent information technological advances have led to the workflow system that provides an effective technical solution for productivity improvement and business process reengineering. Workflow is a network of activities, also commonly known as a business process, defined for a specific business objective. The fundamental principle of workflow technology is the separation of business process from (software) applications and data. This implies a flexible, adaptable system that can support dynamic business changes. This flexibility, however, is not built upon complexity. Instead, the system should be easily modified for a new business environment. On the other hand, a good workflow system facilitates individual tasks, and collectively the entire business process by providing accurate inputs (data, forms tools) and effective routing control. Workflow technology has a wide range of applications and, when appropriately implemented, can increase productivity, reduce operating costs, improve response to customer requests and shorten the business process cycle. A great opportunity for a company is in evidence to advance its competition edge to a new level through implementation of workflow technology in the next few years. This paper discusses workflow environments, system components, architecture, integrated applications for external program execution, and future trends.
Keywords:Business Process  Productivity  System Architecture  Information Technology
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