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作者单位:中国人民大学国学院 北京100872
摘    要:范仲淹的变革思想,从朦胧到清晰,从大概到具体。最能体现"庆历新政"前其政治变革思想演变过程的是《奏上时务书》和《上执政书》。《奏上时务书》提出变革文风、讲求武备、注重人才、勉励谏官、抑制恩荫等五个方面主张。范仲淹此时的政治变革思想更多地表现为笼统模糊、不成体系。《上执政书》提出六点具体变革应对措施:"固邦本,厚民力,重名器,备戎狄,杜奸雄,明国听。"范仲淹这次上书阐述自己的变革思想,重点突出,思路成熟,措施具体,层次分明,自成体系,"庆历新政"的大致构思在这里已经形成。"庆历新政"的内容在范仲淹《答手诏条陈十事》中有完整体现。这次条陈十事为:明黜陟、抑侥幸、精贡举、择官长、均公田、厚农桑、修武备、减徭役、覃恩信、重命令。全篇文字简洁凝练,重在实用。至此,范仲淹完成了从"怎么想"到"怎么做"的转变。宋人种种关于政治革新的言论或作为,可以概括为"择吏为先"四字。范仲淹的变革思想沿着这条线索演变。在以"人治"为特征的封建专制社会,要变革官僚阶层,与社会根本性制度相矛盾冲突,失败是必然的。王安石变法重点在变更朝令法规,并不去触动体制根本性的问题,具有相当的可行性。

关 键 词:变革  择吏  人治

Study on the Reform Idea of Fan Zhongyan: Comparing with Wang Anshi's Reform
Authors:Zhuge Yibing
Abstract:Fan Zhongyan's idea of reform gradually became clear and concrete.The reports of "Zou Shang Shi Wu Shu" and "Shang Zhi Zheng Shu" embodied the process of changing of his idea in the early of the period of "Qing Li New Policy".The first provided five items,which was not systemic.The later provided six concrete measures to reform,which showed that the general idea of "Qing Li New Policy" had been built up.The contexts of "Qing Li New Policy" was expressed in the report of "Da Shou Zhao Tiao Chen Shi Shi".By far,Fan Zhongyan finished the change from "how to think" to "how to do".The people of Song Dynasty's words or behavior about reform could be summarized by "Choosing officials first",and Fan Zhongyan followed it.In a feudal society characterized as "rule of man",it was doomed to fail to reform the class of bureaucracy,because it conflicted with the basic system of society.By contrast,Wang Anshi's reform was more feasible,for Wang Anshi didn't touch the basic system,and just changed the rule and regulation of the government.
Keywords:reform  choosing officials  rule of man
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