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作者姓名:蒋伏心  卜海
作者单位:南京师范大学经济贸易系 南京 210097
摘    要:加入世界贸易组织,对于中国的对外经济贸易发展有着极为重要而深远的影响。江苏作为我国东部沿海经济发达的省份和位居全国第三的重要外贸口岸,应当充分认识这一影响,并在发挥自身优势的基础上适应新的变化,把握机遇迎接挑战,促进全省外贸的不断发展。一 “入世”对于江苏外贸发展的促进作 用,首先突出地体现为有利于江苏外贸 的数量扩张,进一步提高江苏的对外开 放水平。这是因为,WTO在处理国际经济贸易关系时有一套严密的规则,强调在公平对等的基础上实行贸易自由化,并且给予彼此间的贸易优惠。所以,中国进入世界贸易组织,…

On the Promotions of Entering WTO to Jiangsu Foreign Trade and Our Counter Strategy
Abstract:The positive promotions of China's entering WTO to the development of Jiangsu's foreign trade are extemely enbodied in the expansion and improvement of the structure of Jiangsu's foreign trade and in the utmost reduction of unnecessary losses caused by trade contraversies. But to put these positive promotions into practice needs us to adopt a series of related strategies and measures.
Keywords:entering WTO  Jiangsu's foreign trade  promotions  counter strategy
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