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Almost Consistent Estimation of Panel Probit Models with “Small” Fixed Effects
Authors:Fran  ois Laisney   Michael Lechner
Affiliation:Franç,ois Laisney ,Michael Lechner
Abstract:We propose four different GMM estimators that allow almost consistent estimation of the structural parameters of panel probit models with fixed effects for the case of small Tand large N. The moments used are derived for each period from a first order approximation of the mean of the dependent variable conditional on explanatory variables and on the fixed effect. The estimators differ w.r.t. the choice of instruments and whether they use trimming to reduce the bias or not. In a Monte Carlo study, we compare these estimators with pooled probit and conditional logit estimators for different data generating processes. The results show that the proposed estimators outperform these competitors in several situations.
Keywords:Panel data  Binary choice model  Generalised method of moments  Fixed effects  JEL Classification:C23  C35  C51
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