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引用本文:朱以青. 中国近代出版业的实绩[J]. 文史哲, 2005, 2(4): 102-108
摘    要:出版业是以生产精神产品为主,以积累和传播文化为目的的特殊行业。中国古代图书出版与收藏,主要局限于上层社会与文人士绅的圈子,与普通大众无缘。中国出版业在近代完成了它的转型。在近代中国“救国救民”的时代主题下,出版具有了传播西学、救亡图存、开启民智的特殊功能和社会价值。资本主义经营方式的全面推进,带来了出版业的发展和繁荣,使出版业成为国民经济的一个重要部门。近代出版业对提高国民素质及文化生活质量起到了重要作用。

关 键 词:近代出版业  救亡图存  开启民智  社会价值

Achievements of the Modern Chinese Press
ZHU Yi-qing. Achievements of the Modern Chinese Press[J]. Journal of Literature,History and Philosophy, 2005, 2(4): 102-108
Authors:ZHU Yi-qing
Abstract:Publishing industry is a special one with spiritual p roduction as its chief task and knowledge accumulation and cultural disseminatio n as its ultimate aim. In ancient times, book production and collection were th e privilege of the upper class and elites, which was quite far from the masses. It was only in modern times that China’s press achieved its changes in functio ns. The time theme of salvation of the nation and the people endowed modern pre ss with such functions as disseminating Western learning, saving the country and ensuring its survival, and inspiring citizens’ wisdom. Meanwhile, it achieved its modernization. The introduction and implementation of capitalist managemen t mode brought about the development and prosperity of modern press, resulting i n its becoming an important section of national economy. Consequently, modern p ress played an important role in enhancing the citizens’ intellectual and mater ial quality.
Keywords:Modern press   Saving the country and ensuring its su rvival   Inspiring citizens’ wisdom   Social values
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