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Inversion of the Renewal Density with Dead-time
Authors:Bernard Picinbono
Institution:Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes, Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR), du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), de l’école Supérieure d’électricité (Supélec) et de l’Université de Paris-Sud (UPS), Supélec, Plateau de Moulon, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Abstract:Stationary renewal point processes are defined by the probability distribution of the distances between successive points (lifetimes) that are independent and identically distributed random variables. For some applications it is also interesting to define the properties of a renewal process by using the renewal density. There are well-known expressions of this density in terms of the probability density of the lifetimes. It is more difficult to solve the inverse problem consisting in the determination of the density of the lifetimes in terms of the renewal density. Theoretical expressions between their Laplace transforms are available but the inversion of these transforms is often very difficult to obtain in closed form. We show that this is possible for renewal processes presenting a dead-time property characterized by the fact that the renewal density is zero in an interval including the origin. We present the principle of a recursive method allowing the solution of this problem and we apply this method to the case of some processes with input dead-time. Computer simulations on Poisson and Erlang (2) processes show quite good agreement between theoretical calculations and experimental measurements on simulated data.
Keywords:Lifetime  Point processes  Poisson and Erlang processes  Renewal processes
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