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作者单位:上海海事大学法律系 上海,200063
摘    要:《不扩散核武器条约》是维系国际安全的重要条约,由于生效之后的国际政治格局发生重大改变,条约的文本与现实发生了严重的脱节。《不扩散核武器条约》的文本缺陷主要表现在五个方面:第一,原有的利益平衡机制失去了应有的作用;第二,任意的退出机制遭到滥用;第三,孱弱的法律责任机制面临崩溃;第四,五年一度的审议会议形同虚设;第五,核贸易管制立法一片空白。这些缺陷严重影响了《不扩散核武器条约》的效力,条约亟需进一步的修改和完善。在多边体制下,以上问题可以找到相应的完善之道。

关 键 词:不扩散  核武器  条约  文本缺陷

The Pandora Box without Lid:On the Inherent Defects of the Treaty on Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Abstract:The Treaty on Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons has great impact on international security.The treaty it- self is now in grave danger owing to some inherent defects.At least six major problems must be noted,con- cerning balance of interest,withdrawal procedure,state's responsibility,review conference,and domestic leg- islation regarding nuclear trade.Solutions to those problems can only be found through multilateral ways.
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