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A General Model for Exposure and Uptake from Consumer Products
Authors:Mark P van  Veen
Institution:National Institute for Public Health and Environmental Protection, LBO, P.O. Box 1, NL-3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands.
Abstract:To assess exposure to and uptake of chemical compounds from consumer products, a general model framework is proposed. The model framework separates exposure into the components contact, potential exposure, and potential uptake rate, and establishes the relation between the three. It adds a contact function and a spatial component to other exposure modeling concepts. Before the model framework can be used, its components need to be specified. A simple diffusional model is built as an example of specifying functions for exposure and uptake. A case study of 1,1,1 trichloroethane in some shoe impregnating product, partly based on the diffusional uptake model, illustrates the inclusion of the contact component. In the latter example, the exposure is calculated for the user and then, by only modifying the contact component, for a nonuser randomly walking in the house.
Keywords:Consumer products  contact  exposure model  uptake model  multiroute exposure
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