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作者单位:日本广岛大学大学院社会科学研究科 日本广岛
摘    要:日本吞并朝鲜以后,为了扩大其在东北的权益,有意制造了朝鲜人的双重国籍,导致了在东北朝鲜人国籍问题上与中国的对立与冲突。纵观“九.一八”事变前日本对东北朝鲜人的国籍政策,可以得知,直到伪满洲国成立为止,日本都没有在朝鲜真正实施“日本国籍法”,也没有允许朝鲜人归化。这意味着朝鲜人不具备国际公法上的日本“国籍”。日本对东北朝鲜人的国籍政策,严重地违背了近代国民国家普遍公认的移民可基于个人意愿自由选择国籍的原则,其根本目的在于企图最大限度地实现其对外侵略扩张的野心。

关 键 词:"九·一八"事变  东北朝鲜人  日本  国籍政策

Japan's Nationality Policy towards Koreans in Northeast China before the September 18th Incident
Abstract:After Japan annexes Korea,it intentionally makes an issue of Koreans' dual nationality and stirs up conflicts between Koreans in Northeast China and the then Chinese government,so as to expand its interests in the region.A review of Japan's nationality policy towards Koreans in Northeast China before the September 18th Incident can help us to know that by the establishment of the puppet "Manchukuo",Japan neither implements its "Japanese Nationality Law" in Korea,nor allows Koreans' naturalization.This means that koreans cannot acquire Japanese "nationality" recognized by the public international law.Japan's nationality policy violates the principle recognized by the international community that immigrants can choose their nationality of their own free will,and it aims at achieving its ambition for aggression and expansion.
Keywords:the September 18th Incident  Koreans in Northeast China  Japan  nationality policy
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