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摘    要:汉代在总结秦朝以“武功”、“刑法”治国经验教训的基础上,改革和发展了先秦诸子百家的治国思想,提出了“文武并用”的治国指导方针,成功地实现了由秦尚“武功”重“进取”的“革命”理论向尚“文治”重“守成”的“建设”理论的转变,并把这两种理论有机地结合起来,既用仁义道德治国的“文治”,又用权威、暴力和刑罚治国的“武功”,把握“文武之道”的刚柔之术。“文武并用”的治国方略主要包括以下治国的方案和策略:坚持“以民为本”,实行富民、惠民政策;坚持“以人为本”,注重培养和选拔人才;实行富国强兵政策,加强中央集权制,改革财政经济政策,奖励“耕战”,加强“武备”,增强国家的政治、经济和军事实力;实行礼法并用、德主刑辅的政策,把德教和刑罚结合起来,既注重礼乐教化的预防作用,又重视法律刑罚的惩处作用;加强制度建设,分权制衡,依法限制官吏的权力;倡导义利统一,把“仁义道德”与功名利禄结合起来,用功名利禄引导人们践履“仁义道德”,用仁义道德求取功名利禄。汉代“文武并用”治国方略的基本特征就是以人民的利益为根本,以经济建设为中心,把教化、刑罚和制度结合起来,把礼乐制度对社会的稳定和“武功”对社会的发展结合起来,把利民、治吏、治财结合起来,把富民、富国、强兵结合起来。汉代这种治国方略不仅促进了社会的安定、和谐、发展,也为以后历代帝王治国方略提供了蓝本。

关 键 词:汉代  治国  文治  武功  方案  策略

Civil and Military Rule: the Reform and Innovation of Governing Strategies in the Han Dynasty
LIU Tai-xiang.Civil and Military Rule: the Reform and Innovation of Governing Strategies in the Han Dynasty[J].Academic forum of nandu,2007,27(4):1-9.
Authors:LIU Tai-xiang
Abstract:On the basis of summarizing past experience and drawing lessons from the governing strategies of "military affairs" and "corporal punishment" in the Qin Dynasty,the Han Dynasty put forward the ruling guideline of "combination of civil administration and military ruling" by reforming and developing the ruling theories of the various schools of governing in the Pre-Qin Dynasty.This is a successful shift from the "revolutionary" theory of the Qin Dynasty,which valued military achievement and aggressiveness,to the "constructive" theory of the Han Dynasty,which favored civil administration and preservation of the ruling.Moreover,the Han Dynasty combined these two kinds of governing strategies successfully,i.e.civil administration by benevolence and justice as well as military ruling by authority,force,and punishment.At the same time,much attention was paid to the relationship between them.The fundamental feature of this kind of governing strategy in the Han Dynasty was that the people's interest was regarded as the foundation,the economy development as the center.The education,punishment,and regulation establishment were combined together to exert the coordinated function of ethic,cultural,and the punishment force of military achievements as well as the comprehensive approach to benefiting the people,regularizing the officialdom,and developing the economy in order to enrich the people,to strengthen the nation and the forces.All of these contributed to the stability and development of the Han Dynasty.At the same time,these provided an excellent model for the emperors afterwards the Han Dynasty.
Keywords:the Han Dynasty  governing the country  civil administration  military achievement  program  strategy
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