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引用本文:钟克勋. 论郑临川古典诗词的精神向度[J]. 西昌学院学报(社会科学版), 2024, 36(2): 78-83
作者单位:天府新区信息职业学院 620564 西南民族大学
摘    要:郑临川先生的古典诗词在理想追求、爱国情怀、社会责任、读书治学等方面都深深地打上了时代烙印。他的诗词大都是人生旅程的写照,在对时势无奈的痛苦中发出感时哀世之吟,从而抒怀言志,表达强烈的爱国之情;其诗歌无论纪游、赠别、思乡、怀人,多呈离乱的悲凉心境,折射出知识分子发自内心深处的时代感怀。无论是刚接触现实融入社会的歌吟之作,还是表现漂泊流离、前途渺茫的无端伤感,抑或后来反映教书育人的心中吐蕊,以及人生起伏的情感激荡,无不透露着自觉而强烈的社会责任。老一辈知识分子那种坚定的爱国热情和自觉的社会责任,正是中华民族世代薪火相传的精神认同。

关 键 词:古典诗词  时代认同  理想追求  爱国情怀  社会责任

On the Dimension and Spirit of Zheng Linchuan’s Classical Poems
ZHONG Kexun. On the Dimension and Spirit of Zheng Linchuan’s Classical Poems[J]. Journal of Xichang College(Social Science Edition), 2024, 36(2): 78-83
Authors:ZHONG Kexun
Affiliation:Southwest Minzu University
Abstract:Mr.Zheng''s classical poems are deeply imprinted with the soul of the times in his pursuit of dreams,feelings for motherland,social responsibility, and academic pursuits.His poems,whether about travel,farewell, nostalgia, or about missing for others,often represents a melancholy state of mind.His poetic mood and image reflect an intellectual''s inner-most nostalgia for the times without any concealment. Whether a poem on his first contact with reality and society,or a poem of unfounded sadness for a drifting and bleak life, or a poem about his later complaints when teaching and educating people,or a poem about his emotional turmoil in the ups and downs of life,all reveal his conscious and strong responsibility for the society.
Keywords:classical poems  dimension  call of dreams  expression of emotion  responsibility reflection
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