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引用本文:杨杰. 碎片化语境下五四精神的解读与反思[J]. 西昌学院学报(社会科学版), 2020, 32(1): 42-47
作者单位:安徽大学马克思主义学院,安徽 合肥 230601
摘    要:科学技术的革新、社会分工的细化、受众追求的自我个性和生活节奏的加快等加速了碎片化语境的产生。解读以爱国、进步、民主、科学为主要内容的五四精神在碎片化语境下面临的精神实质片面化、科学内涵遗忘化和时代价值过时化的三种新境遇,使五四精神得到正确的继承和发扬。研究表明,要破解当前的三重境遇需从三条路径入手:一是提倡五四精神实质返本还原、永不褪色;二是推动五四精神科学内涵内化于心、外化于行;三是推进五四精神时代价值引领发展、实现梦想。在解读的过程中反思五四精神的历史价值与现实意义,对构建社会主义和谐社会和实现中华民族伟大复兴具有重大推动作用。

关 键 词:碎片化  五四精神  内涵  解读  反思

Interpretation and Reflection of the May 4th Spirit in the Context of Fragmentation
YANG Jie. Interpretation and Reflection of the May 4th Spirit in the Context of Fragmentation[J]. Journal of Xichang College(Social Science Edition), 2020, 32(1): 42-47
Authors:YANG Jie
Abstract:The innovation of science and technology, the refinement of social division of labor, theself-characteristics of the audience and the acceleration of the pace of life have accelerated the emergence of thecontext of fragmentation.Interpretation of the three new situations of the May 4th spirit with patriotism, progress,democracy, and science as the main content in the context of fragmentation, one-sidedness of the spiritual essence,oblivion of scientific connotation, and outdated value of the times, so that the spirit of the May 4th is correctinheritance and development.Studies have shown that to break the current three situations, we must start with threepaths: The first is to promote the essence of the May 4th spirit to return to the original and never fade; the second isto promote the connotation of the May 4th spirit science to be internalized in the heart and externalized in thepractice; the third is to promote the time value of May 4th spirit leading development and realizing our dream.In theprocess of interpretation, reflecting on the historical value and practical significance of the May 4th spirit will play animportant role in building a harmonious socialist society and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
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