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作者单位:河南大学文艺学研究中心 教授、中国社会科学院研究生院文学系教授、博导
摘    要:我们正面临着使自然与文化之界线再次呈现为一个重大问题的新语境:其一,是消费社会的到来。它将商品变成符号,将使用价值置换为符号价值,将物质消费转化为符号消费,这结果就遮蔽了人之真实的和自然的需求。其二,当代高新技术正创造着一个跨越了自然与文化之传统畛域的新现实,哈拉维以"赛博客"名之,它既非自然亦非文化,而是二者的混杂。其三,由于文化总与地域性相关,全球化作为一种"解域化"便意味着文化间的相互越界和冲突,以及各种文化对其合法性的竞争性主张。这些主张无不诉诸一个超越自身而普遍和绝对的"自然",但是,究竟谁是"自然"的权威代言人?新的形势迫使我们必须重新思考自然和文化的界定和再界定问题。

关 键 词:自然  文化  消费  赛博客  解域化

Consumption,Cyborg and Deterritorialization Problematizing Nature and Culture
Authors:Jin Huimin
Abstract:There arise three new urgencies,among many others,which problematize the traditional notion of nature and culture.The first is "consumption".Contrary to "production",it feathers a proliferation of signs in which all objects become signs,and then what we consume is not the objects but the signs of them.In a consumer society we no longer know what we naturally want but what we are told culturally.The second is "cyborg" as Donna Haraway terms it.High-tech creates a new reality such as "cyborg" which is a product neither of nature nor of culture,but a hybrid of both.The third is globalization as deterritorialization.Since culture is associated with a location,deterritorialization means conflicts between cultures.In the conflicts,more precisely,contests,every culture resorts to a nature and claims the identification with it,but who can be really the representative of nature? The blurred boundary of nature and culture forces us to reconsider what they really are and how they relate to each other.
Keywords:nature  culture  consumption  cyborg  deterritorialization  
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