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引用本文:童庆炳. 胡风的“主观战斗精神”论[J]. 延边大学东疆学刊, 2006, 23(4): 1-10
作者单位:北京师范大学文艺学研究中心 北京100875
摘    要:胡风生平简要。胡风对两种文学倾向不满。一种是对周作人和林语堂的脱离现实的“兴趣主义”和“性灵主义”不满,认为这是与时代精神向背离的;一种是对“左联”内部的从前苏联引进的所谓“辩证唯物主义创作方法”以及其后在“左联”作家队伍中所产生的“主观公式主义”、“客观主义”不满,认为这是违背“现实主义”创作原则的。他在这既反右又反“左”的斗争中,从自己和同行的创作中,领悟并创构了一个理论,这就是后来给他带来无穷灾难的“主观战斗精神”论。从文学创作的认识论的层面看,胡风的“主观精神”论是一种独特的有价值的创作美学。从作家人格论的层面看,胡风在他的文学理论生涯中,所追求的是现实主义文学理论与人格塑造有关。其价值取向是为了追求高度的艺术真实。

关 键 词:胡风  主观战斗精神  艺术真实

Hu Feng''''s Theory of "Subjective Fighting Spirit"
Tong Qingbing. Hu Feng''''s Theory of "Subjective Fighting Spirit"[J]. Dongjiang Journal, 2006, 23(4): 1-10
Authors:Tong Qingbing
Abstract:As a poet and literary theorist,Hu Feng bears resentment against two literary trends:one is Zhou Zuoren's and Lin Yutang's "interest-oriented" and "true nature" school,which he thinks goes against the spirit of the times,and the other is the so-called "dialectical materialist mode of writing" introduced from the Soviet Union by the League of Leftist Writers as well as the "subjective formulism" and "objectivism" within those leftist writers,which he believes is contrary to the "realistic" principle of writing.In such a struggle,he sets up a theory,that is,the theory of "subjective fighting spirit" which brings him endless disaster in his last years.From the perspective of literary creation epistemology,Hu's theory is a kind of unique valuable writing aesthetics.And as to a writer's value of personality,what he seeks is that realistic literary theory is related to the development of a fine personality,and his value orientation aims at highly artistic authenticity.
Keywords:Hu Feng  subjective fighting spirit  artistic authenticity  
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