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引用本文:邱捷. 清末民初地方政府与社会控制——以广州地区为例的个案研究[J]. 中山大学学报(社会科学版), 2001, 41(6): 46-58
作者单位:中山大学 历史系,广东 广州 510275
摘    要:文章是对清末民初广州地区地方政府与社会控制关系的一项研究。在清末,清皇朝在广州地区的社会控制系统日渐衰落,当革命高潮到来时,早已风雨飘摇的清朝统治顷刻瓦解。革命党人掌握政权后,作了很大努力,希望把政府的权威贯彻到各个乡村、街区。但他们既无力建立一个新的社会控制系统,又不能修复和重建旧的社会控制系统,所以,在“二次革命”中也迅速失败了。清朝广东政府未能维持其统治秩序,其重要原因是官吏的腐败和士绅的衰落。而革命党人不能建立新的秩序,其重要原因是同盟会在政权问题上缺乏理论和干部准备,而且,革命党人在城乡各阶级、各阶层的居民中都没有找到自己政权的支持力量。文章还认为,由于广州地区在辛亥革命中的重要地位,广州地区的情况当有一定典型性。

关 键 词:清末民初  辛亥革命  广东  社会控制

Local Government and Social Control in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic Period
QIUJie. Local Government and Social Control in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic Period[J]. Journal of Sun Yatsen University(Social Science Edition), 2001, 41(6): 46-58
Abstract:This paper studies the relationship between local government and social control in the Canton region in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic period. During the late Qing Dynasty, the social control system of the Qing government in the Canton region fell into decay with each passing day. When the climax of revolution came, the tumbledown rule of the Manchus collapsed immediately. After taking over power, the revolutionaries made great efforts to put the authority into every rural village and urban community, but they could neither establish a new social control system, nor reform and reconstruct the old one, so they also failed rapidly in the Second Revolution. The paper suggests that the inability of the Manchus to sustain social order in Canton was among other factors, due to the corruption of the officialdom and the decline of the gentry class. However, the reasons why the revolutionaries failed to establish a new social order were that T'ung-meng-hui lacked in adequate theoretical guidan ce and in competent personnel for leadership, and in popular support either in rural or urban areas. In addition, it is held that due to the significance of the Canton region in the 1911 Revolution, the situation, to a certain extent, typified the whole country.
Keywords:the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic period  the 1911 Revolution  Kwangtung  social control
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