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Age-old methods of contraception
Authors:Guerrero A M
Abstract:Folk methods of contraception have been used in Philippines from immemorial times, especially in the rural areas. Some methods seem to be practical while others are mystical. The popularity of methods are due to their low cost and the trust women in the community feel for the traditional healer. Herbs are the most commonly method used. For external application, pounded and heated leaves are placed inside a bag. Traditional practitioners believe that when the "charm" is worn during intercourse, the semen will "dropout" of the vagina. For internal application a beverage is prepared with seeds of the plant and drunk before sexual intercourse. For contraceptive purposes other herbs used in rural communities could induce abortion, which is illegal in Philippines. A projected study by the University of the Philippines' College of Medicine will try to establish the pharmacological effectiveness of local plants to determine the validity of some methods of family planning reported by medical students who have talked to rural herbalists and patients. The one which seems most relevant for this study is the herb Kibatalia Gitingesis, which is supposed to contain "progesteronal-like principles." Other methods of contraception are abdominal massage, which involves manual manipulation of the uterus, chemicals, like asoge (mercury), salt, and tablets, and the use of inanimate objects, such as the bato-balani or magnetic stone. If herbs and other folk methods of contraception are proven to be effective, the possibility to have them incorporated into the National Population Program has to be considered. The untrained hilots (nurse midwives) could become trained program workers, and because of their influence in the community the number of acceptors would increase.
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