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摘    要:作为世界上保存最完整的神话,希腊神话以其独有的魅力征服了亿万读者,成为了世界文学中不朽的经典。希腊神话中的英雄们以过人的胆识、超人的神力和无畏的精神,一路斩妖除魔、造福四方,成为了引领时代发展的骄子。在这些形象鲜明的神话英雄中,珀耳修斯、柏勒洛丰、伊阿宋、赫拉克勒斯、忒修斯、俄狄浦斯等人脱颖而出,成为了其中的佼佼者。尽管这些英雄人物在成长蜕变的过程中有着各自不同的神奇经历,但都无一例外地经历了从离开故土到生死历练再到荣归故里最后悲剧落幕这一相同的人生轨迹。研究希腊神话中英雄成长蜕变的一般模式,将有助于我们更深刻地理解希腊神话中的哲学文化内涵,也为我们研究他国神话中英雄的成长模式提供启示。

关 键 词:希腊神话  英雄  成长蜕变  一般模式

On the General Growth Pattern of Heroes in Greek Legends
ZHAO Qian.On the General Growth Pattern of Heroes in Greek Legends[J].Journal of Guizhou University for Nationalities,2014(1):147-151.
Authors:ZHAO Qian
Abstract:The Greek legends attract millions of readers worldwide for their unique charms. The he- roes depicted in the Greek legends are famous for their bravery, superhuman power and dauntless spirit. Our studies show that they seem to have a general growth pattern. Nor- mally, they left their native land for a strange place, and returned with glory, but ended their lives tragically. The Greek legends display a kind of Greek philosophy and culture.
Keywords:Greek legend  Hero  Growth and change  General pattern
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