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作者单位:(1.中国社会科学院 文学研究所,北京 100732;2.湖南理工学院 中国语言文学学院,湖南 岳阳 414006)
摘    要:境界是唐代华严宗提出的极具美学价值的概念,华严宗由此而形成了较为系统的审美境界理论。这个概念主要包括三层审美内涵:其一,真俗不二。中唐以来,文人园林以自适为其审美理想,即真即俗,化俗为真,充满着生命的情调。这是白居易等园林美学家在华严宗真俗不二教理影响下推崇“中隐”哲学的反映。其二,圆融无碍。华严宗以圆融无碍为其最高理想,“须弥入芥子”体现出大小无碍的华严教理。文人园林超越面积的大小之见,消解景物的真假之分,赏园者心境圆融,旷达自在。华严境界又是平等共存、彼此关联的世界,各各独立,美美与共。其三,无穷无尽。华严境界在空间上无边无际,在事理上无穷无尽,幽微难测。严羽称赞盛唐诗歌之妙,称其“言有尽而意无穷”,隐含华严境界的无穷性。唐五代画家以重屏入画,多重时空交织,现实与往事、短暂与永恒等体验彼此互摄,相映成趣,令人回味无穷,同样流露出华严境界的意趣。

关 键 词:华严宗  境界  真俗不二  圆融无碍  无穷无尽  

On the Aesthetic Connotations of Realm Proposed by Hua Yanzong School
TANG Lingyun.On the Aesthetic Connotations of Realm Proposed by Hua Yanzong School[J].Journal of Jishou University(Social Science),2014,35(6):27-33.
Authors:TANG Lingyun
Institution:(1.Literature Research Institute,China Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732,China;2.College of Chinese Language and Literature,Hunan Institute of Science and Technology,Yueyang 414006,Hunan China)
Abstract:Realm is a significant aesthetic concept proposed byHua Yanzong School in the Tang Dynasty.Based on it,Hua Yanzong School gradually formed its systematic theory on aesthetic realm.This paper mainly discusses the three aesthetic connotations of realm:(1) the interchangeability between the true and the conventional.The true may be turned into the false,and vice versa;(2) the integrated harmony without obstacles.Realms are harmoniously integrated without obstacles;(3) endlessness and boundlessness.Realms are boundless and endless in time and space.
Keywords:Hua Yanzong School  realm                                                                                                                        interchangeability between the true and the conventional                                                                                                                        the integrated harmony without obstacles                                                                                                                        endlessness and boundlessness
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