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论南海王国古越人与闽粤赣边区客家先民的历史关系 --兼论畲族与客家关系
引用本文:刘美崧.论南海王国古越人与闽粤赣边区客家先民的历史关系 --兼论畲族与客家关系[J].中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版),2001,21(2):66-70.
摘    要:本文论证了西汉前期的南海王国是古越人一支建立的,南海王的封邑及其疆域位于闽、粤、赣交界地区,宋元时期这一毗邻地带成为客家人的大本营.文章指出客家人的来源除以中原陆续南迁的汉族为主体外,也融合了当地土著古越人,这从考古学、语言学、民族学、民俗学等方面都可得到印证.畲族先民迁入闽、粤、赣的时间较晚,与汉族(含客家人)是两个民族,各有独特文化;元明清时期,畲族与客家人也曾相互影响.

关 键 词:南海王国  古越人  闽粤赣边区  客家人  畲族

The Historical Relationship between the Ancient Yue People of Nanhai Kingdom and the Ancesters of the Hakkas in the Bordered Area of Fujian,Guangdong and Jiangxi
LIU Mei-song.The Historical Relationship between the Ancient Yue People of Nanhai Kingdom and the Ancesters of the Hakkas in the Bordered Area of Fujian,Guangdong and Jiangxi[J].Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities:Humanities and Social Science,2001,21(2):66-70.
Authors:LIU Mei-song
Abstract:The article proves that the Nanhai Kingdom was built up by an Ancient Yue People in the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty;that the Nanhai King's manor was in the bordered area of Fujian,Guangdong and Jiangxi;and that by the time of the Song-Yuan Dynasties,this bordered area had become the Hakkas' base camp.It is pointed out that the Hakkas came in succession from Central China with the Han Nationality as the main body,mingled with the Ancient Yue natives,which can be confirmed by archeology,linguisti cs and Ethnology. The She Nationality came later,different from the Hakkas;yet in the period of Yuan-Ming-Qing Dynasties,they began to influence each other.
Keywords:the Nanhai Kingdom  the Ancient Yue people  bordered area of Fujian  Guangdong and Jian gxi  the Hakkas  the She Nationality
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