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引用本文:张宁. “转”而未“变”——关于鲁迅“向左转”的深层分析[J]. 文史哲, 2007, 1(2): 5-15
摘    要:关于鲁迅“向左转”问题,传统的鲁迅解释框架,无论是左翼论,还是启蒙论,皆遮蔽了诸多认知视野,同时也把鲁迅的一次历史选择,当作终极选择。实际上我们应当排除左翼论和启蒙观的二元对立,采取让鲁迅和“左翼”相互注释的方法,重新回到瞿秋白、王任叔、舒芜等提出的既有命题,认为“转变”和“不变”,在鲁迅那里以不同形态同时存在着,变化的是某些实体性思想,不变的是一种思想结构或主体性结构。鲁迅在触摸到欧洲精神的根底时,便开始把等级社会孕育的非“人”状态当作“罪”来感受。“罪”和“责”,使他在个人存在与民族和人类之间建立了一个稳定的中介。但鲁迅把“人”的观念推向极致时,却成功地规避了绝对主义逻辑陷阱。“自由”和“平等”的断裂是通过“罪”的意识和“赎罪”行为连接在一起的。而“罪”感和责任意识,又使他始终保持着一种“非政治”的政治性。鲁迅正是带着这种主体性结构和“非政治”的政治性走入“新的阵营里”的。这不足以改变原有的历史形态,但却“改变”着一种文化的内在品质。

关 键 词:鲁迅  “向左转”  “罪责”  非政治的政治性

The depth of Lu Xun''''s "turning to the left"
Zhang Ning. The depth of Lu Xun''''s "turning to the left"[J]. Journal of Literature,History and Philosophy, 2007, 1(2): 5-15
Authors:Zhang Ning
Abstract:The tries to reinterpret Lu Xun's “turning to the left” within a new framework, holding that Lu Xun's “turning” was concurrent with his “remaining.” With his sense of “guilt” and “duty”, he established a medium between the individual and the nation as well as the human race, and kept through to the end a kind of political awareness without being involved in politics. Lu Xun could not change the history of the left-wing movement in art and literature in China in the 1930s, but he could change its nature.
Keywords:Lu Xun  turning to the left  guilt  political awareness
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