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作者单位:华中师范大学中文系 湖北武汉430079
摘    要:作为承接东坡词和稼轩词的梯航,张孝祥的于湖词在元明两朝的传播,反映了元明人对南宋初期豪放词代表风格的认识和品鉴。元人词话取于湖名作,所论真切博雅;于湖词入明有名而不著;明词人选家激赏于湖清俊豪迈之作,更偏爱其婉丽轻约之词,选评总体流于俗丽。于湖词词格不俗,亦兼具苏、辛词情韵,但其豪放词在明代选家的审视中并没有体现出与词人词史地位相称的整体艺术高度,明人讹传误收于湖词现象较多。

关 键 词:于湖词  传播  真切博雅  俗丽  讹传误收

A Study on the Spread of Yuhu-ci in the Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty
Authors:SHENG Li
Abstract:As the bridge between Dongpo-Ci and Jiaxuan-Ci, the spread of Zhangxiao-xiang'sYuhu-Ci in the Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty, shows their people's understanding and enjoying for representative heroic Ci-verse's style in the early South Song Dynasty. The people's monographs about Ci-verse in Yuan Dynasty chose Yuhu's famous Ci-verses, arguing them as sincere, learned and elegant ones. In Ming Dynasty, Yuhu-Ci has the repute but not very famed. The poets and critics appreciated the "heroic and clearness" Ci-verse of Yuhu-Ci, more loving his pretty Ci-verses so that their argument were gaud on the whole. Yuhu-Ci was elegant, which also has the taste of Dongpo-Ci and Jiaxuan-Ci. But the Spread in Ming Dynasty wasn't exhibit its whole high level for Zhangxiao-xiang' heroic Ci-verse. The people of Ming Dynasty had made many errors in electing Yuhu-Ci in"florilegiums for Ci-verse".
Keywords:Yuhu-ci  spread  learned and elegance  gaud  errors in electing  
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