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摘    要:春秋战国之际,社会政治的急剧变革,造成了“礼崩乐坏”的文化变迁。官学下移,私学兴起,大比兴贤之制成为历史遗迹,导致士人群体发生质变。首先,“士”不再是“有职之人”或“有爵之称”,而是沦为“四民”之首。他们的入仕方式由官方的挑选变为双向选择,从而游说之风大起。其次,急剧兼并造成的人才渴求状态,以及僭国大夫笼络人心形成的礼士之风,为士人的活跃提供了广阔的空间。这种主、客两大因素的相互催发,时至战国,士人心态发生了前所未有的变化一是克服厌学,埋头苦读以改变生存环境,朝为田舍郎暮为侯王相的仕途迷幻成为当时士人社会的流行风。二是傲睨人主,倡言士贵,以道自任,舍我其谁的自我意识弥漫士林。这种自我意识的高扬与自身价值的确认,正是士人文化趋于成熟的重要标志。

关 键 词:官学  私学  游士  客卿

The Changing of Educational Institution and Scholar's Mood in the End of Chou Dynasty
CHENG Er-xing.The Changing of Educational Institution and Scholar's Mood in the End of Chou Dynasty[J].Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences),2001,54(3):330-337.
Authors:CHENG Er-xing
Abstract:Some great changes took place in social and c ulture bet ween the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States, so that the character and spirit of scholars changed immensely. First, for the official educational in stitution evolved into private school, and the system of examination and appoint ing had been abolished, the learned men turned into the common people and their road to government officials changed. They must recommend themselves to king of states or literati and officialdom, and those new aristocrats to strengthen thei r national power needed a large number of talented persons, such and so, the est ablished practice of lobbying for recommending oneself came into its own. Second , needing for talents widely brought about great changes in the mental state of the scholars in the Warring States: the one, studying hard for high political pl ace, and the another, processing self-confident or proper pride. This mental st ate indicated that scholar culture was developed.
Keywords:official educational institution  private school  fluid scholar
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