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Klingenberg structures and partial designs I: Congruence relations and solutions
Authors:David A Drake  Dieter Jungnickel
Abstract:We consider generalizations of projective Klingenberg and projective Hjelmslev planes, mainly (b, c)-K-structures. These are triples (φ, Π, Π′) where Π and Π′ are incidence structures and φ : Π → Π′ is an epimorphism which satisfies certain lifting axioms for double flags. The congruence relations of such triples are investigated, leading to nice factorizations of φ. Two integer invariants are associated with each congruence relation, generalizing a theorem of Kleinfeld on projective Hjelmslev planes. These invariants are completely characterized for a special class of triples: the balanced, minimally uniform neighbor cohesive (1,1)-K-structures. We show that a balanced neighbor cohesive (1,1)-K-structure Π “over” a PBIBD Π′ is again a PBIBD and compute its invariants. Several methods are given for constructing symmetric “divisible” PBIBD's on arbitrarily many classes.
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