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摘    要:民国时期的国学大家陈柱,一生著述甚丰。他的散文研究述及中国散文史、散文分类、散文创作论等诸多方面,形成了自己独具特色的散文理论体系。出于矫治时弊的意图,陈柱以“学术”内质和“文学”外式的体用关系构建了散文理论的基石;以此为基础,他尝试以“文言”和“质言”划分散文体类,探索归纳出中国散文的内部类型;与他的散文理论相呼应,陈柱将六经视为后世文学的源头,提出“体尊质衰”的散文史观。他将后世散文之弊归因于“尊体”的结果,主张以先秦文学为散文范本。陈柱以融汇经史子集的广阔视野来审视中国散文的历史发展规律,推动了后来的中国散文研究和散文史书写。

关 键 词:陈柱  散文  文质论  体尊质衰

Chen Zhu’ s Theory System of Prose and Value in Literary History
Abstract:In addition to The Chinese prose history, there are large number of scattered prose views in the the writings of Chen Zhu.They clearly show the unique characteristics of his prose theory.Due to the need to solve the problem of age, Chen Zhu’ s prose study based on the concepts of refinement and substance.He thought that academic is essential and literature is manifestation of it.He tried to divide the prose into two categories instead of the traditional classification method: refinement words and substance words which summarized the types of internal Chinese prose.That coincide with Chen Zhu’ s prose theory, the six classics were re-garded as the source of the later literature .Chen Zhu thought the prose development history is a course of more refinement and less substance.He spoke highly of the pre-Qin period works.He blended together all Canon, History, Philosophy and Literature and ex-plored the law of Chinese prose history development.His research inspired and promoted the later Chinese prose research .
Keywords:Chen Zhu  Prose  concepts of refinement and substance  more refinement and less substance
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