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引用本文:李华瑞. 九百年来社会变迁与王安石历史地位的沉浮(上)[J]. 河北学刊, 2004, 24(2): 170-175
摘    要:本文分南宋至晚清、20世纪前半叶、20世纪后半叶三个阶段,简要勾勒了九百年社会变迁所导致的王安石历史地位沉浮的大致轮廓。透过这个轮廓可以清楚地看出,决定南宋迄今,对王安石及其变法评议的价值取向主要有三:一是南宋以后占统治地位达七百年之久的程朱理学的评价价值标准;二是20世纪影响中国历史进程最大的马克思主义唯物史观;三是在不同阶段、不同时期内与时俱进的社会气候变化,亦即现实政治发展路标的指向。透过对王安石及其变法是非评议九百多年的变迁过程,足以作为研究中国历史上有争议的人物、事件评价是非得失的参考和借鉴。

关 键 词:王安石  变法  理学  唯物史观  南宋  元明清  20世纪

The Ups and Downs of Wang Anshi's Status of History and Historical Changes of Chinese Society after the Southern Song Dynasty
LI Hua - rui. The Ups and Downs of Wang Anshi's Status of History and Historical Changes of Chinese Society after the Southern Song Dynasty[J]. Hebei Academic Journal, 2004, 24(2): 170-175
Authors:LI Hua - rui
Abstract:The ups and downs of Wang Anshi' s status of history from the Southern Song Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, in the first fifty and second fifty years of the 20th century showed a big profile of Chinese society and history. The comments on him included three aspects: Cheng - Zhu learning of great classics from the Southern Song Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, Marx's materialism of history in the 20th century and social and political demands of development in different times and periods. They are very useful to studies on disputed persons in Chinese history.
Keywords:Wang Anshi  political reform  learning of great classics  historical materialism  the Southern Song Dynasty  Yuan   Ming and Qing Dynasties  the 20th century
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