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The price-setting newsvendor with service and loss constraints
Authors:Werner Jammernegg  Peter Kischka
Affiliation:1. WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Department of Information Systems and Operations, Nordbergstraße 15, 1090 Vienna, Austria;2. Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Department of Business Statistics, Carl-Zeiß-Str. 3, 07743 Jena, Germany
Abstract:Current performance measurement systems consider not only financial measures, like costs and profits, but also non-financial indicators with respect to customer service, quality and flexibility. Using the newsvendor model, we analyse the respective influence of these possibly conflicting performance measures on important operations and marketing decisions, for instance the order quantity and the selling price of a product. As in the classical newsvendor model for price-independent as well as price-dependent demand distribution, the objective of the firm is to maximise expected profit. In this paper, we also consider a service constraint—a lower bound for the level of product availability—and a loss constraint—an upper bound for the probability of a loss occurring. For both models, we provide conditions for the existence of solutions. We then analyse the influence of demand variability using a set of conditions specifying the quantiles of the predetermined performance measures: a higher variability of demand implies a smaller admissible region of the decision variables. In the price-independent case, the optimal solution has a control-limit structure: the optimal order quantity is thus given either by the classical newsvendor solution or by the control-limits corresponding to the constraints. In the price-setting model with multiplicative demand, this structure is used to check whether small admissible prices are determined by the service constraint or by the loss constraint. Using these structural results, a procedure is developed to more easily enable the computation of the optimal values of the order quantity, selling price and expected profit.
Keywords:Inventory   Pricing   Constrained newsvendor model   Price-setting newsvendor
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