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摘    要:北宋一代为加强君主集权、限制相权,防止内重外轻的局面,实施台谏合一的监察制度。遂使台谏权力扩张,参预朝政、弹劾百官、针砭时弊、纵横捭阖,不仅对新政变法起到推动作用,而且造就出一批直言敢谏的名臣。其中,包拯在台谏“举刺不避权贵、犯颜不畏逆鳞”,惩贪倡廉、奸邪必摧、安民固本、体恤百姓,深得朝野赞叹。然而台谏虽对朝政改革有积极作用,但有恃无恐、肆无忌惮、党同伐异、干扰君权,终滑向朋党泥潭漩涡,为皇帝所不容,最终导致庆历新政、熙宁变法举步维艰、前功尽弃。而包拯之所以能成就一代台谏名臣风范,皆因其绝不攀附援引、营私舞弊,“故人亲党,一皆绝之”。故能受到皇帝青睐信任和同僚好感,以至黑脸包公形象留传青史。

关 键 词:包拯  台谏  朋党  改革

North Song’s Taijian (Remonstrance and Supervision)and Bao Zheng
SHEN Rui-ying.North Song’s Taijian (Remonstrance and Supervision)and Bao Zheng[J].Journal of Henan University(Social Science),2000,40(2):30-34.
Authors:SHEN Rui-ying
Abstract:North Song started the taijian supervisory system to strengthen the emperor's power and limit the prime ministers' power. As a result, officials of remonstrance and supervision took an active part in the imperial rule, attacking current policies and impeaching inefficient officials, thus promoted the refoms and called forth guite a few selfless and outspoken supervisory officials. Bao Zheng, the most outstanding of them, was highly praised by people of all ranks for his courage and uprightness. But taijian system also created problems. for officials responsible for this work recklessly defended members of their faction while ruthlessly attacked members of adversary factions, and they became corrupted and interfered with the administration, and finally led to the failure of Qingli and Xining reforms. Bao Zheng's success lies in his independence of any polihcal faction, his immunity to any court conspiracy.
Keywords:Bao Zheng  taijian  partisan  reform  
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