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引用本文:李军. 孟郊贾岛诗歌比较研究[J]. 苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版), 2000, 17(1): 62-67
摘    要:孟郊、贾岛同是中唐诗坛上的著名诗人,两人生活经历、遭际相近,且同以“苦吟”闻名于世,更兼诗风相似,再加上对当代和后代诗歌创作都有着巨大而深远的影响,故许多文学史和诗评家常将二人及诗作相提并论。实际上,孟、贾诗还有着很大的差异与不同:从诗体来说,孟长于乐府古诗,贾则工于近体诗人苦吟来说,孟是为生活而苦吟,贾则是为艺术而苦吟;从对生活的表现来看,孟多是以批判的态度诅咒黑暗的社会与痛苦的生活,贾则是较多的欣赏的态度去艺术地反映生活;从诗风来看,孟诗为清奇僻苦,贾诗则为清深幽峭,表现出不同的艺术个性特征。

关 键 词:孟郊  贾岛  诗歌  比较

Comparative Study of Poems by Meng Jiao and Jia Dao
LI Jun. Comparative Study of Poems by Meng Jiao and Jia Dao[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology of Suzhou:Social Science, 2000, 17(1): 62-67
Authors:LI Jun
Abstract:Meng Jiao and Jia Dao are both famous poets in the middle of the Tang Dynasty. They have the same life experience and circumstances, and what's more their styles are similar. Both have a far-reaching influence on poem creation of later poets. That's why many critics mention them in the same breath. Actually there are also many differences between the two poets. As to forms of poetry, Meng is good at Yuefu-style poems while Jia at Jinti-style poems. The former writes for life, but the latter for art. Meng blames the dark society and miserable life at that times, but Jia appreciates the life and expresses his appreciation in his poems. And their style have their own personal characteristics: one is peculiar and eccentric, the other is clear and exquisite.
Keywords:Meng Jiao  Jia Dao  poetry  comparison  
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