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引用本文:陶青,仲伟俊. 资金时间价值因素对延迟策略选择的影响研究[J]. 管理科学学报, 2002, 5(5): 30-37
作者姓名:陶青  仲伟俊
摘    要:研究资金时间价值和不同的产品价值构成对延迟策略选择的影响问题. 首先定义了资金时间价值的概念, 并按产品价值构成划分了产品的类型, 明确了延迟策略的种类. 然后建立了不同延迟策略下, 在考虑资金时间价值因素和不考虑资金时间价值因素时的产品成本模型. 在此基础上, 针对不同价值构成的产品, 分析其最优的延迟策略, 说明了资金时间价值因素对延迟策略选择的影响. 从而为企业更好地利用延迟策略降低成本, 增强竞争力提供了理论基础.

关 键 词:延迟策略   资金时间价值   产品价值构成

Research about effect of time cost of capital on postponemen t strategy
Abstract:Th is paper studies the effect of p roduct s value st ructu re and t im e co st of cap ital on thecho ices of supp ly chain po stponem en t st rategy. A t f irst, the def in it ion of t im e co st of cap ital and thetype of po stponem en t st rategy are given, and the types of p roduct s, acco rding to the p roduct valuest ructu re, are differen t iated. O n the basis of differen t type of po stponem en t st rategy, the p roductco st models w ith the facto r of t im e co st and w ithou t are p ropo sed. Based on these models, the effectof t im e co st on the cho ices of po stponem en t st rategy is analyzed, and the co rresponding p roper po st2ponem en t st rategy is cho sen. By the conclu sion s of th is paper, the co rpo rat ion can exp lo it po stpone2m en t st rategy to reduce the co st and st rengthen the compet it ivenessmo re eff icien t and effect ive.
Keywords:po stponem ent st rategy   t im e co st of cap ital   p roduct value st ructu re
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