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Black-White Differences in Attitudes toward Homosexuality and Gay Rights
Abstract:Black homophobia has been cited as a contributing factor inslowing mobilization against AIDS in the African-American community,as an obstacle to black lesbians and gay men in coming to termswith their sexuality, and as a challenge to the legitimacy ofthe gay rights movement. Yet evidence that blacks are more homophobicthan whites is quite limited. This article uses responses fromalmost seven thousand blacks and forty-three thousand whitesin 31 surveys conducted since 1973 to give more definitive answerson black-white attitudinal differences and their demographicroots. Despite their greater disapproval of homosexuality, blacks'opinions on sodomy laws, gay civil liberties, and employmentdiscrimination are quite similar to whites' opinions, and AfricanAmericans are more likely to support laws prohibiting antigaydiscrimination. Once religious and educational differences arecontrolled, blacks remain more disapproving of homosexualitybut are moderately more supportive of gay civil liberties andmarkedly more opposed to antigay employment discrimination thanare whites. Yet religion, education, gender, and age all haveweaker impacts on black than on white attitudes, suggestingthat black and white attitudes have different roots.
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