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Biometric technology and beneficiary rights in social protection programmes
Authors:Magdalena Sepú  lveda Carmona
Abstract:Over the past decade, the use of biometric technology in the identification and authentication of beneficiaries of social protection programmes has increased. However, there has been little debate among governments, donors and civil society organizations on the potential implications of this technology in relation to the inclusion of the most vulnerable sectors of the population, as well as for the protection of privacy and personal data. This article aims to fill that gap. First, the article reviews how biometric technology is used in various social protection programmes around the world. Then, it examines the potential risks and challenges of deploying biometric technology in social protection programmes. Finally, it assesses the requirements necessary to ensure that biometric technology is implemented in compliance with international law standards. The focus is on developing countries, where the use of biometric technology in identification systems has increased considerably in recent years. Among the key conclusions of the article is that the adoption of biometric technology, often encouraged by donors, needs to be preceded by democratic debate where all alternatives are discussed. The adoption of this technology should be accompanied by a context‐specific assessment of risks, and the adoption of an appropriate legal and institutional framework to protect rights and ensure that the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members of the population are not excluded.
Keywords:social protection  social assistance  data protection  biometric identification  beneficiary  international  protection sociale  assistance sociale  protection des donné  es  identification biomé  trique      ficiaire  international  protecció  n social  asistencia social  protecció  n de los datos  identificació  n biomé  trica  beneficiario  internacional  Sozialschutz  Sozialhilfe  Datenschutz  biometrische Identifizierung  Leistungsempfä  nger  international
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