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引用本文:朱雯琤. “福柯在叙拉古”:“政治精神性”中的主体性实践[J]. 社会, 2019, 39(3): 154-182
摘    要:福柯对伊朗革命持支持立场而被人称为他的“叙拉古问题”。他为伊朗革命中的“政治精神性”所着迷,然而遭到了知识界众多批评和指责。本文尝试理解“政治精神性”,并对福柯所持的赞许态度做出明证。通过分析福柯1978年以及之后的思想著作,文章试图阐明福柯支持“政治精神性”的两种层面,它体现出人的集体意志和超越世俗性的力量,在福柯眼中它们就是反抗西方理性政治的有力武器。加上福柯对多元文化的偏好,造就了他对伊朗革命的支持态度。“政治精神性”同时联系起了福柯思想中后期从政治到主体的两大元素,他从政治领域的“生命政治”到伦理领域的“自我技术”,都在探究个人如何转变其自身主体性,并沿着主体性实践开展他的现代性研究。福柯并非完全正确,但他借伊朗革命所体现的政治精神性,为公共政治领域讨论提供了一种主体性实践视角的新立场。

关 键 词:福柯  政治精神性  生命政治  主体性  伊朗  

Foucault in Syracuse: The Subjective Practice in the Political Spirituality
ZHU Wencheng. Foucault in Syracuse: The Subjective Practice in the Political Spirituality[J]. Society, 2019, 39(3): 154-182
Authors:ZHU Wencheng
Affiliation:School of Humanities, Southeast University
Abstract:"Back from Syracuse?" is a phrase used to satirize an intellectual who unwisely intervenes in political issues. Foucault received multiple denunciations and attacks for his interest in the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1978. Foucault's fascination with the Iranian Revolution is rooted in his inspiration of the political spirituality manifested in the Revolution, which in his words, is a "negleted possibility" in the West that "we have forgotten since the Renaissance and the great crisis of Christianity". This paper examines the essays and interviews by Foucault during the year of 1978 and afterwards to illustrate that however prima facie it might be, Foucault's approval of political spirituality should not be seen as a "mistake" since it is a reflection of his work on the forms of subjective practices of individuals at the time and subsequently a main topic of his life work. Political Spirituality exhibits two aspects:an outburst of enormous collective will and a force transcending secularity. To Foucault, these two things are powerful weapons to resist against the rational regime of politics in Western societies. Foucault's open-mindedness to multi-cultural phenomena also contributed to his interest of the Revolution. It is suggested here that Foucault's reading on the Iranian Revolution influenced his change of interest from bio-politics in political sphere to technologies of the self in ethical sphere. His work on the forms of subjective practices follows the same pattern as his work on the Iranian Revolution, starting from how individuals change their forms of subjectivity in modernity. Foucault is not always right, but his insights on political spirituality and his claims on Parrhesia from the Stoic remain valuable to this day, for at the very least, they provide an invaluable perspective, if not better, in the sphere of public political discourse.
Keywords:Foucault  Iran  subjectivity  Political Spirituality  bio-politics  
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