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摘    要:中国古代历史进程中不仅出现过史家称赞的“大治”局面,而且也出现过“宣王中兴”、“少康中兴”、“昭宣中兴”、“光武中兴”、“元和中兴”、“弘治中兴”、“同治中兴”等“中兴”局面。这些王朝的“复兴”,发生在“大治”盛世之后,面对的是政治腐败、经济萧条、外族侵扰等内忧外患,为了守住并振兴祖宗开创的基业,“中兴”之主冲决种种羁绊,继承创新,开拓进取,推行“新政”。首先,积极推进政治体制改革,建立完善政治制度,加强对行政权力的制约与监督,严格选拔官吏,建立德才兼备、廉洁务实的官僚队伍,确保政治生活的法制化、规范化,为王朝“中兴”提供了可靠的政治保障。其次,坚持以发展经济为中心,轻徭薄赋,扶贫救灾,调整和改革财政经济政策,扩大国家财政收入,为王朝“中兴”奠定了坚实的经济基础。再次,不断调整与边疆各民族和各民族地方政权关系的政策,屯田备边,加强国防力量,为王朝“中兴”创造了安定和谐的外部环境。这些“中兴”之政策缓和了社会矛盾,平息了严重的社会危机,恢复了国家实力,形成了政治、经济、军事、文化等各项事业蒸蒸日上、欣欣向荣的“中兴”局面,使王朝由乱到治、由弱变强,促进了王朝的苟延残喘,推动了历史的发展和社会的进步。

关 键 词:中国古代  王朝“中兴”  “中兴”之主  政治保障  经济基础  外交政策

The Forming Cause of the Restoration of Imperial Court in the Ancient China
LIU Tai-xiang.The Forming Cause of the Restoration of Imperial Court in the Ancient China[J].Academic forum of nandu,2006,26(4):23-28.
Authors:LIU Tai-xiang
Abstract:During the process of the ancient China,there were"the restoration of Xuanwang","the restoration of Shaokang","the restoration of Zhaoxuan","the restoration of Guangwu","the restoration of Yuanhe","the restoration of Hongzhi","the restoration of Tongzhi",etc."The masters of the restoration" pursed the following new policies.Firsly,pursed the reform of political system,built and improved the political system,strengthened restriction & supervision to administrative authority,provided the dynasties with reliable political safeguard.Secondly,insisted on developing economy as the center,modified and reformed the economic policy,laid solid economy foundation for dynasties restoration.Thirdly,modified the policies to(various) nationalities of the frontier,stationed troops and opened up westeland and grew food grain,created outer stable &(harmonious) surroundings.Those policies mitigated the contradiction,restored national strength,pushed historic development & social progressing forward.
Keywords:ancient China  "the restoration" of dynasty  the master of "the restoration"  political safeguard  economic foundation  foreign policy  
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