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摘    要:2008,龙昂首,中国年。北京举办奥运,中国全面崛起。 当世界开始全面接受我们,我们开始全面融入世界,国人、校友、同学,你、我、他(她),我们应该如何展现自己? 过去的2007年,我刊实现了全彩色印刷,开始了网络办刊,实现了单期容量的大提升,办公环境有了较大的改善,期刊编校质量有了实质性措施的保障。正如胡锦涛在新年贺词中所说,“2007年,世界发生了新变化,中国也取得了新进步”。 2008年,对中国人民来说,是十分重要的一年,对西南石油大学来说,也是十分重要的一年。国家将隆重纪念改革开放30周年,学校将迎来建校50周年华诞。 伴随着改革开放的脚步,我们学报也步入了而立之年。如果说“努力使全体人民学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居,促进社会和谐”是胡锦涛同志代表中国人民在改革开放而立之年确定的目标与方向的话,“努力促进学科建设和人才培养,繁荣我国科技文化事业,反映我国科学技术前沿,作为高校知识输出系统,成为国家知识创新体系的重要组成部分,走向世界”则是我刊而立之年的美好心愿。 2008年,我们将以围绕贯彻十七大精神为主线,继续唱响科学发展、共建和谐主旋律,坚持科技创新导向,服务读者,贴近作者,推动刊物内容、形式的改进与创新。 ——情系读者,关注作者。为了更加提高刊物的内容质量、给读者提供更多高水平的、原创性的文章,我们从今年起将报道的视角进行了适当调整,希望这种调整能够得到读者与部分作者的理解和支持。 ——改进创新报道内容,增强刊物的可阅读性与收藏价值。从本期起,我们增设了“科学人生”栏目,重点关注那些在科技探索中做出了成绩的部分成功人士,希望用他们的事迹激励后来者,为科技发展与社会进步做出更大的贡献。也欢迎读者与作者能够向我们推荐本栏目的报道内容。 ——提高服务水平,欢迎舆论监督。从2007年第5期起我们即参加了由中国期刊协会发起的“期刊编校无差错承诺活动”,我们深感这一承诺的压力重大,为了一诺千金,我们新增了8名助理编辑,在编校程序上也作了重大改进。读者的利益就是期刊的生命。尽管为此我们牺牲了大量业余时间,但刊物中一定还存在不少差错,诚挚欢迎广大读者、作者进行监督,以便改进我们的工作。 我们的2008,要努力在每一个细节上认真做好我们自己。宽于待人,严于律己,诚信面对世界,向读者提供真实的信息;无剽窃,无抄袭,无生造,无浮躁,共同营造洁净的学术空间。

Advance Toward the Stage Center
Abstract:2008 is a chinese year and the dragon wakes up. Beijing will host the olympic games and China is overall rising.How should we, including chinese, alumni, classmates, you, me and he(she), show us to the world while world accept us roundly and we deside to merge into the world?In the past 2007, this journal have accomplished color printing of the paper periodical and carried out network journal running, completed the large promotion of single period, improved greatly the working environment and the quality of periodical editing and proofreading is guaranteed substantively. As Hu Jintao said in the New Year Greetings that in 2007, new changes accurred in the world while China achieved new progress.For our chinese, 2008 is an important year, so as to Southwest Petroleum University. Chinese people will commemorate ceremoniously the reform and opening for 30 years. Southwest Petroleum University will welcome in the 50th anniversary.Stepping with the reform and opening, our journal becomes itself gradually. If what HuJintao said “Do the best to make people instructed for their learning, gain for labor, diseases for medica, the aged for cares, settlement for residention, promoting social harmony” represents target and direction of reform and opening, then “Do all efforts to promote subject constrution and talents cultivation, boom the technology and culture cause in China, reflect the front of science and technology, be output system for institutional knowledge, be an important composition of the national innovation system for knowledge and tend for the world”is the nice wish of this journal.In 2008, centering on the spirit of the 17th people represent congress as the main line, we will continue to sing highly the scientific development, construct jointly the harmonious main melody, insist on technology and innovation guide, serve for reader, approach to reader, promote the improvement and innovation of content and form.—show emotion to readers and pay attention to the autor. In order to improve the quality of the journal and offer more high level and original works for the reader, from this year on, we will do some proper adjustment on the reported perspective. We hope the understanding and support from readers and some authors.—improve the reported contents and enhance the readability and collection value of the magazine. From this issue on, we add the column scientific life, focusing on some successful persons with achievement in technological exploration. We hope the later can be motivated by their deeds and make contribution to technological development and social progress. Your recommendation for the contents will be welcame.—improve the service level and welcome for public supervision. From the fifth period in 2007, we have taken part in “commitment for no error in Editing periodical” launched by China Periodical Association, which makes us bear great burden. For this commitment, we added 8 editorial assistants and made important improvement in the editing progress. The interests of the reader is the life of the journal. We have spent a lot of spare time, but there still be some mistakes in the journal. So, welcome to supervision both from readers and authors, improving our work.In 2008, we must do our best in every detail. Be lenient with others and strict with oneself, honest to the world to offer the true information to the readers. No plagiarism, no coinages, no flippancy, to set up a clean academic space jointly.
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