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An objective Bayesian analysis of the two-parameter half-logistic distribution based on progressively type-II censored samples
Authors:Jung-In Seo
Affiliation:Department of Statistics, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan, Korea
Abstract:This paper develops an objective Bayesian analysis method for estimating unknown parameters of the half-logistic distribution when a sample is available from the progressively Type-II censoring scheme. Noninformative priors such as Jeffreys and reference priors are derived. In addition, derived priors are checked to determine whether they satisfy probability-matching criteria. The Metropolis–Hasting algorithm is applied to generate Markov chain Monte Carlo samples from these posterior density functions because marginal posterior density functions of each parameter cannot be expressed in an explicit form. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to investigate frequentist properties of estimated models under noninformative priors. For illustration purposes, a real data set is presented, and the quality of models under noninformative priors is evaluated through posterior predictive checking.
Keywords:Half-logistic distribution  noninformative prior  posterior predictive checking  progressively Type-II censored sample
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