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引用本文:刘长林. 仪式与意义:1919-1928年间为自杀殉国者举办的追悼会[J]. 学术月刊, 2011, 0(3)
基金项目:上海市哲学社会科学规划一般课题“运动激愤式自杀行动社会意义的赋予——以1919-1928年社会运动中的自杀事件为例”(2007BLS002)的阶段性成果; 上海大学“211工程”第三期项目“转型期中国的民间文化生态”的资助
摘    要:近代中国,外患频仍,一些仁人志士为警醒同胞,自杀殉国。1919-1928年间的爱国运动中,尽管人们不认同自杀这种抗议方式,但由于自杀行动具有激励国人的作用,又对自杀者表示理解、尊重,赞扬他们的爱国精神,将他们看成以身殉国的烈士,为他们举行追悼会,通过启事、公祭、追悼、公葬、抚恤等仪式环节,使他们为国捐躯的烈士价值定位获得肯定。追悼会也为人们抗议帝国主义的侵略暴行,呼吁同胞团结御侮、誓雪国耻提供了契机和场所,人们在感受追悼仪式所内含的意义时,增强了对国家面临的危难及共同价值的认同。追悼会在赋予自杀行动象征性社会意义的同时,也在中国现代爱国运动进程中发挥了社会动员的功能。

关 键 词:追悼会  仪式  自杀殉国  社会意义与价值  赋予  

The Social Significance of Suicide under the Symbolic Ceremony: All the Memorial Services for the Suicide Patriots during 1919 to 1928
Liu Changlin. The Social Significance of Suicide under the Symbolic Ceremony: All the Memorial Services for the Suicide Patriots during 1919 to 1928[J]. Academic Monthly, 2011, 0(3)
Authors:Liu Changlin
Affiliation:Liu Changlin
Abstract:In modern china, foreign aggression occurred frequently, some people who cherished lofty ideals tried to alert their compatriots, and finally chose to commit suicide martyred. From 1919 to 1928, suicide protest movements which occurred frequently in the patriotic movement were not endorsed by people at that time. However, just after the occurrence of suicide actions, gradually people expressed their understanding and respect to all the patriots, paid tribute to their patriotism and considered them as martyr...
Keywords:memorial service  ceremony  suicide patriots  social significance and value  define  
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