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Approximability and exact resolution of the multidimensional binary vector assignment problem
Authors:Marin Bougeret  Guillerme Duvillié  Rodolphe Giroudeau
Institution:1.LIRMM,Montpellier,France;2.Université libre de Bruxelles,Brussels,Belgium
Abstract:In this paper we consider the multidimensional binary vector assignment problem. An input of this problem is defined by m disjoint multisets \(V^1, V^2, \ldots , V^m\), each composed of n binary vectors of size p. An output is a set of n disjoint m-tuples of vectors, where each m-tuple is obtained by picking one vector from each multiset \(V^i\). To each m-tuple we associate a p dimensional vector by applying the bit-wise AND operation on the m vectors of the tuple. The objective is to minimize the total number of zeros in these n vectors. We denote this problem by Open image in new window /></a> , and the restriction of this problem where every vector has at most <em class=c zeros by Open image in new window /></a> .  <a href=Open image in new window /></a>  was only known to be  <a href=Open image in new window /></a> -hard, even for <span class= Open image in new window /></a> </span>. We show that, assuming the unique games conjecture, it is <span class= Open image in new window /></a> </span>-hard to <span class= Open image in new window /></a> </span>-approximate  <a href=Open image in new window /></a>  for any fixed  <a href=Open image in new window /></a>  and  <a href=Open image in new window /></a> . This result is tight as any solution is a  <a href=Open image in new window /></a> -approximation. We also prove without assuming UGC that  <a href=Open image in new window /></a>  is  <a href=Open image in new window /></a> -hard even for  <a href=Open image in new window /></a> . Finally, we show that  <a href=Open image in new window /></a>  is polynomial-time solvable for fixed  <a href=Open image in new window /></a>  (which cannot be extended to  <a href=Open image in new window /></a> ).</td>
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