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Access to Health Care: Social Determinants of Preventive Cancer Screening Use in Northern British Columbia
Authors:Bryant  Joanne  Browne  Annette J.  Barton  Sylvia S.  Zumbo  Bruno D.
Affiliation:1. University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
2. Canada
Abstract:The purpose of this study was to examine theextent to which social factors are influentialin determining women's access to cancerscreening services in Prince George, BritishColumbia. Specifically, this study evaluatedthe association of age, income, education, workstatus, disability, marital status, andimmigrant status with previous use of screeningmammography and Pap tests. Data was obtainedfrom the 1994 National Population HealthSurvey, which contains a sample of 416 womenfrom the Prince George area. A series oflogistic regression analyses were used todistinguish ever versus never beenscreened as well as recency of previousscreening. Participation rates in screeningmammography in Prince George are comparativelyhigh; however, no association was found betweensocial factors and previous mammography use.This suggests women in Prince George areparticipating in mammography servicesregardless of social background. Participationrates in Pap test screening in Prince Georgeare high and are similar to provincialaverages; however, while a large percentage ofwomen have been screened, this percentagevaries across social groups. Immigrant women,single women, and women with less education areover represented among women who have never hada Pap test. In addition, older women are lesslikely to obtain a recent Pap test whencompared to younger women. This study suggeststhat certain groups of women in northernBritish Columbia experience low participationin health services, resulting in a higher riskfor poor health and a poor quality of life.
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