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引用本文:刘春林 何建敏 施建军. 供应链的协作供应问题研究[J]. 管理科学, 2002, 5(2): 29-33
作者姓名:刘春林 何建敏 施建军
作者单位:1. 南京大学商学院,南京,210093
2. 东南大学经济管理学院,南京,210096
摘    要:当供应链某活动环节的物资需求量过大时, 一个供应点常常不能提供其全部所需物资.因此, 实际应用中需要多个供应点共同参与. 针对供应链物资需求的特点, 提出了多点协作供应的数学模型, 通过引入可行方案的定义, 给出了可行方案存在的判定定理, 以及可行方案的构造方法. 然而一个可行方案可能包含太多的供应点(太多的供应点有时意味着较高的生产准备费用) , 因此该方案可能并不实用. 考虑到方案可靠性及费用, 给出了求取优化方案的一个启发式方法. 最后对模型的系统软件集成进行了简单探讨

关 键 词:供应链   可行方案   协作

Study of collaboration- supply in supply cha in
Abstract:When the quan tity of requiremen ts by an activ ity in a supply cha in is too large, a soledepot usua lly can not prov ide a ll the requiremen ts, and it ismuch practica l for in troduc ing multiple depo t s to m eet theneeds. A cco rding to the characterist ics of the m aterial requ irem en t of supp ly chain system s, th is paper p resen t s a m u lt i2depo t supp ly model. By in t roducing the def in it ion of feasib le schem e, w e p resen t a theo rem to determ ine w hether there is a feasib le schem e, and the co rresponding m ethod to ob tain a feasib le schem e. How ever a feasib le schem e m ay include so m any depo t s that som et im es it is unp ract ical. F rom the po in t view of reliab ility and co st, a schem e w ith few er depo t s is p referred. A s fo r examp le, in an inven to ry system , the num ber of invo lved depo t sm ay direct ly affectthe to tal set up co st. Therefo re, as far as the reliab ility and co st are concerned, th is paper p resen t s a co rresponding heu rist ic m ethod. F inally, in tegrat ing the model in sof tw are system s is b rief ly discu ssed
Keywords:supp ly chain   feasib le schem e   co llabo rat ion
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