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引用本文:唐金泉. 代际支持对老年人主观幸福感的影响--基于年龄组的差异性分析[J]. 南方人口, 2016, 0(2): 60-70. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-1613.2016.02.006
摘    要:本文从年龄组差异的角度分析了代际支持对老年人心理健康的影响。研究发现,在控制了客观健康状况等变量后,老年人的心理健康水平并非随着年龄增长呈现出下降趋势。其次,接受代际支持和给予代际支持都对老年人心理健康有着显著的促进作用。第三,对于不同年龄组来说,代际支持对老年人心理健康产生的效果既有共同点也存在着差异。相似之处在于充足的经济支持对65-74岁、75-84岁和85岁及以上这三个年龄组老人的心理健康都是有利的。然而,更突出的是这三个年龄组之间的相异点:对于65-74岁这一组别而言,老人与子女之间的经济交换最为频繁。这种经济上的互惠提升了老人的积极情绪、抑制了消极情绪的产生。就75-84岁的老年人来说,子女在日常照料的作用表现的十分显著。和子女共同居住、在生病时由子女照料的老人表现出更少的消极情绪。至于85岁以上的高龄老人,得到充足的情感支持对于提升主观幸福感的作用更为显著;最先和子女分享想法的老人有着更高的心理健康水平。因此就现实状况来看,当父母逐渐衰老,作为子女,应当更加关注对父母的日常照护和情感关怀。尤其是对于这些高龄老人,他们对子女的情感态度更为敏感;子女提供的充足的情感支持对其心理健康有着十分显著的促进作用。

关 键 词:代际支持  心理健康  年龄组  CLHLS

Inter-generational Support and the Subjective Well-being of the Elderly:An Analysis Based on the Age Difference
Abstract:The effects of inter-generational support on the subjective well-being is analyzed in terms of age difference based on a survey of 9679 elderly participants. It shows that their mental health doesn't decline with their age increase by controlling the objective health variables and financial supports providing by Children or accepting such supports from Children can increase the elderly's life satisfaction significantly. However , the age difference affect the subjective well-being. It seems that the finance support to the elderly of age group 65-74 , 75-84 and 85+ can increase the subjective well-being of the elderly , but the elderly of 65-74 have more frequent finance exchange with children which increase the positive emotion and depressed their negative emotion. It is more important for the elderly of 75-84 to have the living cares from Children and living together with children obtaining cares from children when they are sick can help the elderly to overcome their negative emotion dramatically. As to the elderly of 85+, the emotional supports can significantly increase their subjective well-being , and those elderly who can communicate with children frequently and timely have much higher subjective well-being. It may concludes that the children should provide more daily living cares and emotional cares to the elderly and the oldest old need more emotional cares from Children in China.
Keywords:Inter-generational support  Subjective well-being  Age group  CLHLS
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