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Abstract:Responses to measures of relationship quality and range of activity with their grandparents by young adult grandchil- dren from stepfamilies (n = 55) were different from responses of young adult grandchildren from single-parent (n = 70) and intact families (n = 266). Analysis of variance comparisons revealed sig- nificant differences with grandchildren from intact families having the lowest scores, grandchildren from single-parent families in the middle, and those from stepfamilies highest. While cross-sectional data cannot demonstrate cause and effect, a possible implication from the data is that with divorce the child's relationship becomes closer with at least one grandparent as manifest by higher scores for those from single-parent families. In tum, the even higher scores by grandchildren from stepfamilies suggest that following the child's " move from single-pareit family lifgto stepfamily life,jhe relation- ship with the grandparent takes on increasing importance. Descrip- tive insight cokemhg the distinctive charact&stbs of grandpare&/ grandchild relationships in different family forms is provided by the - grandchildren's rating of 29 reasons forclosenesiand 29 shred activities.
Keywords:Divorce  annulment  remarriage  Catholics
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