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The Legal Response to Elder Abuse and Neglect

The United States legal system, both civil and criminal, has been underutilised in dealing with elder abuse and neglect. Social service and health practitioners have been unfamiliar with the language and procedures in legal settings. Legal remedies have been obscure or inadequate to address the problems. When elder abuse and neglect were first “discovered” in the late 1970s, efforts focused on safeguarding the victim through civil justice remedies, i.e., guardianships, mandatory reporting laws, adult protective services. The criminal justice system also became involved in order to hold the alleged wrongdoer accountable. Specialised units have developed in police departments and prosecutor offices to deal with the criminal behavior. New laws are providing more flexibility for the legal system, both civil and criminal. A multidisciplinary approach to elder abuse and neglect is needed because abused or neglected elders are frequently involved with many agencies. Attention to the legal aspects of the issue are apparent in the Summit Conference held by the National Center on Elder Abuse in 2001 and the development of the Elder Justice Act which was introduced into the U.S. Senate in 2003.
Keywords:Criminal justice system  civil justice system  multi-disciplinary  levels of proof  rules of the legal system  Elder Justice Act
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